10 Tips For Achieving An Amazing Office Wall Decor

Wall decor doesn’t have to be expensive or boring to be effective. In fact, the secret to getting the most out of your office wall decor is choosing art and decorations that reflect your personality and interests. Here are 10 tips for achieving amazing office wall decor without breaking the bank.

1) Know what you want

If you want to create a statement with your office wall decor and make it look like you know what you’re doing, then there are a few things to consider.

You’ll want to be sure that the focal point is clear, but not cluttered. Making sure that there’s plenty of white space around the focal point will allow for it to be more visually interesting.

Using other colors besides brown or white can help provide some interest without being too distracting or overpowering.

Try playing with different textures such as soft fabric against a smooth surface. Mixing furniture materials such as wood and metal can also be an attractive combination when you have limited choices in material.

Try putting items at different heights on the wall; this will give them dimension instead of looking flat against the surface.

2) Start with an empty space

It may seem tough to find the right way to decorate your office space. You want it to look nice, but you also want to make sure that it is not too distracting.

Long table with a screen and chairs
Long table with a screen and chairs

How do you make a good decision when you are on a budget? Different colors evoke different emotions which can impact the energy and mood in your space.

Some people prefer cooler tones for their office because they feel like it gives them more clarity, while others prefer warmer tones for their relaxing effect.

Play around with some shades to see what you like best! In general, studies have shown that brighter colors promote alertness and decrease appetite whereas softer colors tend to promote relaxation.

3) Consider your audience

If you’re looking for a new office wall decor, there are so many options out there that it can be hard to know where to start.

Your office should be a reflection of your personality, so take the time to find the right decorating idea that fits your style.

Here are the steps: 

  1. Find a design or type of design that inspires you and narrow down what look or feel you want to achieve in your space.
  2. Narrow down the type of aesthetic (modern, retro, minimalism) that is most appealing to you.
  3. Research some designers who specialize in the type of design/aesthetic you want.
  4. Find images and inspirations on Pinterest! There are tons of great ideas and images available there!

4) Keep it simple, but unique

Your office is your sacred space. It’s where you do your best work and it should feel like a home away from home, so why not make it nice?

Man working on laptop
Man working on laptop

Sometimes it can be tough to come up with creative ideas, though. I mean, what exactly do you put on the walls of an office building?

But don’t worry! There are so many great ways to decorate your office without ever stepping foot in an art store or DIY shop.

The first step is to get some inspiration! Head online and search for quotes that speak to you and represent who you are as an individual.

From there, go ahead and print them out onto some pretty paper. Next, cut the paper into strips that fit on top of each other.

This will give your quote depth when you hang them all together on the wall. Alternatively, if the cutting paper isn’t your thing (it’s understandable!), try getting a few small pieces of wood and putting quotes inside those instead!

You could also use frames but we find these two options easier than trying to use tape or tacks which might damage your walls over time.

5) Set your design in motion

In this ever-changing world, it is important to adapt to new trends and styles as they come up. The right office wall decor can play a major role in your overall design.

As trends change, so should the decoration on your walls! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Establish an inspirational theme for your space.
  2. Have fun with color schemes.
  3. Think of different ways to create interest on each wall.
  4. Experiment with different textures and materials.
  5. Add decorative art that complements the theme of your space.
  6. Make sure all colors complement one another

7) Buy online, but not from a big brand

It is possible to find great art online for your office, but you need to be careful with who you buy from. Start by looking at the seller’s ratings and reviews.

You should also try to see if any local artists will give you a deal in return for exhibiting their work. If not, then you can use sites like Amazon that provide an online marketplace of high-end furnishings and design objects.

6) Use an appropriate photo frame

Lighten up the mood with a couple of frames. Choose different themes like art, photography, and animal prints to create a gallery wall and mix it up by placing photos in different shapes.

Dark colors such as reds, blacks, and greens will make an impact but be careful of brightness contrasts; lighter colors are more pleasing.

Frame it with something metal or glass: Use all of your office space and use one wall to show off a large metal frame or glass. It’ll bring light into the room and allow you to showcase some really nice work you have hanging on your walls at home.

Alternatively, use things you find on vacation: Frame souvenirs from your trip that represent where you live and hang them on your desk.

Not only does this help establish some local flavor but it also reminds everyone who enters the office that they should be going out and exploring too!

Make sure they’re evenly spaced apart: One way people tend to decorate their offices is through putting family photos on the desk so there’s always someone around them when they’re working long hours.

8) Add some texture or color

When creating your office’s wall decor, you want to make sure that you are able to express the company’s values and goals. Thus, before purchasing any items for your walls, ask yourself what kind of image you want to project and how your decor reflects this image. Does it need to be a space where people feel relaxed? Does it need to reflect professionalism? Is it somewhere where creative thinking is encouraged?

In general, don’t put up too many decorations on your walls. Rather than overloading the space with things that distract from each other or clutter up your desk space, try selecting one focal point in the room and complementing it with smaller pieces around the room. For example, if you have a great conference table in a conference room (like most companies nowadays), then consider hanging some motivational quotes on its sides.

9) Think about the space behind the frame

#1- Choose the art wisely! Potentially one of the most important aspects, of choosing an art for your office should be wisely. The picture should ideally represent your company and be tasteful.

#2- Minimize clutter! Getting rid of unnecessary items around the desk is important to avoid distraction. Consider adding a cabinet for decorations and books to free up more space on top of your desk for computers and notebooks.

#3- Size matters! Make sure to take the size of the picture into account when deciding which photo to get on your wall. If you have a small room, it’s best to choose a smaller size or lean towards horizontal paintings in order not to overwhelm you with too much sight at once.

10) Hang your art in natural light and mirrors

Place your art where it will be illuminated with natural light to avoid overwhelming fluorescent lights. If you don’t have a natural window, use mirrors to reflect the light from other sources.

Mirrors can also create the illusion of more space if placed on the floor or hanging on the wall. You can also use mirrors to show artwork that would not normally get enough sunlight in a particular spot in the office, like below-ceiling shelving units.

If this is not possible, hang pictures or framed posters high up on the walls so that they are at eye level and close together for optimal lighting.

One of my favorite tricks for creating instant decor is a selection of books and framed prints against a clean white background in a simple shelf unit; It instantly adds personality without taking up much room!

As always, play around with different combinations until you find one that suits your personal taste!


Well, there you have, 10 tips for amazing wall decoration. Get creative with your thoughts and do something amazing! At the end, decoration is subjective and you should go for what you want. We hope you enjoyed our tips. Also, check out “flower wall decor“, “how to hide tv cords on wall“, and “how to hang a flag on a wall“. Check out our home page for more similar content.

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