How to get coconut oil out of clothes is trending these days. Did you know that coconut oil can be used in place of many household items, such as cooking oil and lotion?
If you’re not careful though, it can also ruin your clothes if it accidentally gets on them! Here’s how to get coconut oil out of clothes, just in case this ever happens to you.

How To Get Coconut Oil Out Of Clothes
Coconut oil is very beneficial in our everyday life. We can cook in coconut oil, and we can massage our bodies with coconut oil. Coconut oil contains rich nutrients which relax your body and mind. You can use coconut oil for hair growth.
Also, coconut oil acts as a skin moisturizer. You can use it in winters to get rid of dryness. People are using coconut oil in their hair care routine as well. Using pure organic and unrefined coconut oil benefits your skin, hair, and teeth also. The best part is you can eat it also.
It is possible that while using coconut oil, you accidentally put it on your clothes which causes oil stains on your clothes. We are going to tell you how to get coconut oil out of clothes.
You can use several methods to get rid of coconut oil stains. Read on further to know more.
The best way to get coconut oil out of clothes is by using hand warm water and a little amount of detergent. Warm water helps in dissolving oil stains better. Soak your stained clothing in warm water for some time and then wash it with detergent. Repeat if necessary. You can also wash your with cornstarch, it also helps to fade oil stains from your clothes.
Methods To Getting Coconut Oil Out Of Clothes

We made mistakes and the worst mistake we can make is slipping a bottle of coconut oil on our clothes. Don’t worry because we are going to share the fastest tips to clean coconut oil from your clothes. Read below to find out more.
Use Dishwashing Liquid
It sounds funny but you can use dishwashing liquid to get coconut oil out of clothes. Dishwashing liquid contains particles that make oil separate from any surface. Follow the steps below to clear coconut oil from your clothes:
- Apply dishwashing liquid’s thin layer on the surface of the stain.
- Leave dishwashing liquid for 10 to 15 minutes, it will help clothes to absorb the liquid.
- Gently wash your clothes with an old toothbrush.
- Wash your clothes with hot water, it will clear the oil stain from your clothes.
Use Detergent Or Baking Soda
You can get coconut oil out of clothes by using absorbent powders like baking soda, detergent, cornstarch, etc. Baking soda is the best powder to clear oil stains from your clothes or bedsheets. Follow the steps below to clear oil stains using baking soda.
- Use white towels to blot excessive oils from your clothes.
- After blotting oil from your clothes, apply baking soda to your clothing.
- Sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda on the oil stain and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Once your baking soda is dissolved with clothes, you can scrap it off with the help of a thin card.
- After scrapping the major chunks of oil, wash clothing in hot water.
Use Spot Remover
If your coconut oil stain is old and the above-mentioned methods are not working, you can use oil spot remover to clean the oil stain. Follow steps to remove oil stain using spot remover:
- Apply oil spot remover on the piece of clothes. Some brands make diluted solutions to use it.
- Apply the remover accordingly. Avoid using spot remover on the clean part of clothing.
- Leave the solution of spot remover on clothing for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Wash it spot remover’s solution from clothing and wash it in a washing machine.
Does Coconut Oil Stain Appear On Clothes?

Coconut oil stain your clothes, bedsheets, and anything made of fiber. Coconut oil is thicker than many liquids which causes it to dissolve in cotton or polyester fabric. If fabric absorbs coconut oil, it causes a black stain on your clothes or sheets.
Coconut oil is not water-soluble due to which we cannot get it out from clothes. We share the methods above to clear coconut oil stains from clothes. If coconut oil causes a fresh stain on your clothes, you can quickly wash it with detergent.
If the above method doesn’t help you, use Carbona or OxyClean to clear the stain from your clothes.
How To Remove Coconut Oil Stains From Clothes?
Coconut oil stains are not a rare occurrence, especially if you’re fond of cooking with coconut oil on a regular basis. Unfortunately, oil stains can be quite difficult to remove from clothes and upholstery in general. Here are some tips for how to remove coconut oil stains from clothes One thing you should know is that when it comes to removing coconut oil stains from clothes, both hot water and soap are your best friends.
The first step is to wash your clothing item as soon as possible after spilling coconut oil on it. If you don’t do so, chances are that any stain will become permanent! Hot water will help break down any excess oil left behind by the coconut oil while soap will help lift any remaining residue off your clothing item.
How To Get Dried Coconut Oil Out From Clothes?
Sometimes, coconut oil dried on our clothes which is difficult to remove. In this section, we are going to share some wonderful methods which can clear dried coconut oil stains from clothes.
If you are planning to wash your clothes with dried coconut oil, don’t do it because it will not remove stains from your clothes. No matter whether you put your clothes on for two to three wash cycles, the blotchy fat oil stain will remain on your clothes. If you are planning to use the dryer to remove the fatty oil patch, it will make it worse because heat will make your clothes’ fibers glued to a fatty residue which causes permanent parts of the clothes.
You can remove the thick oil stain from your clothes by reading our article below. First, we are going to share the things you need to remove dried coconut oil stain from your clothes. The list contains:
- WD40
- Big cardboard to cover your clothe’s stain
- Old toothbrush
- Baking soda or cornstarch
- Detergent
- A place to dry the clothing
You need to follow the steps:
- Put your clothe’s stain part on cardboard. It is necessary because if you don’t use cardboard, the sticky oil will spread on your clothing.
- Apply WD40 on the part of stained clothing. WD40 will helps to loosen the grip of dried coconut oil. Be careful while using WD40, because it will loosen the grip of coconut oil and can cause the spreading of oil in your clothing.
- Add baking soda to the stain and rub it gently with an old toothbrush. It will slowly clean the stain from your clothing. Repeat it until you see the results your want.
- After rubbing your clothes with baking soda and WD40, put detergent on your clothe and rub them gently with the toothbrush. Repeat it until the stain is removed completely.
- After cleaning the stain from clothes, wash them in a hot water and dry them in an air-dry place.
How To Get Dried Coconut Oil Out From Polyester Fiber?
You can use the method we mentioned above to clean polyester fiber. But don’t wash your clothing in hot water because polyester fiber will loosen itself and causes you to consume more oil. Wash polyester fiber in cold water.
How To Remove Coconut Oil Stain From Carpet And Sofa Coverings?

You can get coconut oil out from clothes quickly but what if oil stain forms on a carpet or on sofa coverings? It is not possible to put the sofa in the washing machine. You can call a professional cleaner to clean the stain out from carpet or sofa coverings. But what if you want to do it by yourself? We will share the easiest and fastest method.
You need the things mentioned below:
- Tissues
- Kitchen paper
- Baking soda
- Lukewarm water
- Vacuum cleaner
- Clear rag
Follow the steps below to clean oil stains from sofa coverings or carpet:
- Remove the oil floating on the surface of carpet or sofa coverings with the help of tissues and kitchen paper. If oil is dried, you can scratch it with the thin strip.
- After taking out excessive oil, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch on the surface of the oil stain and let it soak for 10 to 30 minutes.
- After soaking in baking soda, put detergent on the surface of the carpet or sofa coverings and gently rub it with clean clothe or an old toothbrush.
- Chunks of baking soda will form and you have to clean them with the vacuum cleaner.
- Rinse sofa coverings or carpet with water and blot it with tissue paper or kitchen paper again.
How To Remove Coconut Oil Stains From Upholstery Fast?
Upholstery is tricky to handle in case you pour oil on it.
You will need the following things to clean the oil stain from the upholstery:
- Cornstarch
- Baby powder
- Kitchen paper
- Distilled white vinegar
- Soft brush
If you’ve dropped oil on upholstery and can do so quickly, blot up as much of it as possible with a clean cloth or paper towel before treating it. This will absorb a lot of the oil and reduce its stain-causing power. After blotting up all you can, add 1 part baking soda to 4 parts cold water and stir to combine. Pour or spray/brush the mixture onto the affected area, gently rubbing into the stain with clean fingers until no more foam appears.
You can use the method we share above on the following upholstery:
- Leather
- Suede
- Wood
How To Remove Coconut Oil Stains From Bed Sheets Fast?

Bedsheets are made from different fibers like cotton, flannel, silk, polyester, etc. If your bedsheets get a stain with oil, you can remove them with the same method to clean clothes.
Silk is a fiber that requires special care. It can be really great for bed sheets and clothes in the cold season. If your silk gets a stain of oil, you can remove it just like we tell you how to remove the stain of oil from clothes. But keep extra care of silk.
Can You Prevent Coconut Oil Stain From Your Clothes?
You should use coconut oil carefully when you are working. Moreover, you can follow the steps below to prevent coconut oil stains from your clothes:
Drips And Spills
By nature, coconut oil comes in solid form. You can melt coconut oil down with the help of high temperatures. Some areas with warmer climates have liquid coconut oil.
When coconut oil is in liquid form, it causes drips and spills because it is difficult to use it. If you are using a liquid form of oil, take care of your clothes and take precautions while using coconut oil.
Use Cover
If you apply coconut oil and go to sleep, it will make a stain on your pillow because you applied coconut oil recently. You can always use something for covering your pillow. Use an old plain towel because it will absorb the necessary oil into the towel.
Splatter Screens In Cooking
Oils are used for frying foods. You should know that when the pan gets hot, it makes oil pop which can cause oil stains on your clothes and wall. Coconut oil will do the same. So it is best to take precautions while cooking in oil.
If you are using coconut oil while cooking, use splatter screens. It will keep oil stains from your clothes and wall as well.
Conclusion – How To Get Coconut Oil Out Of Clothes
It’s important to keep in mind that coconut oil does not dissolve in water. (Even if you put a bunch of it in a bowl of water, you’ll still have a bunch of oil floating on top). This means that you should never, ever use hot water when washing clothes or linens stained with coconut oil! Hot water can set stains! Instead, fill your machine with cold or room-temperature water and run through a regular cycle as usual.
You can use detergent, baking soda, or dishwashing liquid to clean oil stains from your clothes. If oil stains are older, you can use oil spot remover to clean the oil stain. If your clothes are made from silk fiber, don’t wash them too quickly because it makes them worse.
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